To Argostoli 5,6 June

A helpful discussion on Mednet lead to a clear recommendation of Argostoli as the best destination from Roccella Ionica. Accordingly, first thing the day after the excessive winds had moderated, we laid course due east for Argostoli. For 24 hours, a now too gentle wind from astern made it difficult to maintain 3 knots. But we did just manage it, and the sails remained full, and we had a really good night's sleep. Then, the second day, the wind picked up from the north until we were romping along at 10 to 12 knots under full plain sail. At midday, Kefalonia poked over the horizon.

Argostoli (47K)
Argostoli from above
By late afternoon we were approaching the Gulf of Argostoli, where you have to sail north for some 4 miles before turning east and then south into Argostoli itself. I thought our easy ride might end, and indeed the northely breeze was F5/6 out of the gulf, and we had a stiff beat in the approaching dusk, before we turned into Argostoli and ran under bare poles in the now pitch-black night. Not ideal conditions for our first Mediterranean moor! So, we just dropped the anchor a cable off the town quay in 4m, swung head to wind, and enjoyed a trouble-free night.