St Peter Port to Cherbourg - Friday, 5 September 2003, 36 miles

After buying absurdly cheap petrol and Camping Gaz, we raised sail outside the harbour at 13:00. A gentle South Westerly allowed us to set Mr Andrews up the Little Russell, but we had to motor after half-an-hour to ensure we cleared the rocks off Herm. Then the wind returned, and we made around 5 knots until we were off Cap de la Hague, where we had to motor round the cape in possibly the least nasty seas we've seen there.

The wind returned South West F3 off la Platte, and we had a nice reach most of the way to Cherbourg. At first, we were overhauling 2 big (40ft ?) British service yachts motor-sailing, but we lost them when the wind dropped for a time.

We tied up in the Port de Chantereyne marina at 21:00.