To Castro Urdiales – 24 July, 43 miles

Set out next morning in a F1 headwind. It took us 8 hours to cover the first 24 miles, alternately tacking in F1s and F2s and motoring, but then the afternoon sea breeze allowed us to cover the next 20 at a reasonable speed. Off Cabo Villano we had a choice between Bilboa, now downwind, or Castro Urdiales on a close reach.

CastroUrdialis (23K)
The rowing course along the harbour wall
In Castro Urdiales, we found that the visitors’ buoys suggested by the pilot book were imaginary, and anchored in the shelted but very deep harbour. There was a place to tie to the wall, however, a regatta for rowing boats was in full swing along the length of it.

Castro Urdiales, like many Spanish towns, had massive works-in-progress to give employment to the laid-off construction workers, so the harbour front was a bit of a mess. But it will be lovely when it’s finished.